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The Forgiveness Experience 


What it is:

A 30+ day intensive healing journey using the principles of radical forgiveness.


2022 Offerings:

  • February 1 - February 28, 2022


Who it's for:

Participation in this "experience" requires dedicated time, commitment and a willingness to expose fearful beliefs and heal the mind. As such, we encourage applicants who are:

  • open-minded

  • willing to expose and share thoughts in a private and group setting

  • prepared to take full responsibility for their state of mind and life

  • ready to commit to doing "the work" (application of forgiveness requires approximately 1-hour/day during this experience


What is the "Forgiveness Experience"?

  • The Forgiveness Experience begins with a virtual weekend Orientation where participants can expect to learn more about how true forgiveness works and heals (permanently) using the foundations of A Course in Miracles

  • You will be encouraged and supported in completing at least 4 forgiveness processes/week

  • You will get access to forgiveness templates that will guide you to the thoughts and beliefs that are shaping your experience and that require forgiveness

  • Private Coaching: 4 Private 1-hour online Coaching Sessions (1/week))

  • Group Support: 8 online Group Expression Sessions (2/week)

  • Unlimited email access to coaches and a private group Facebook page

  • Group sessions are held via Zoom and are limited to 10 participants 



  • $249 (plus taxes) = $281.37


To Register:

Contact Carey at or at 613-220-1789 to reserve your spot.


What is Forgiveness?

Traditional forgiveness focuses on trying to let someone else (or ourselves) off the hook for what we think has been done to us or by us. We believe that in order to make peace with our life, we have to accept what has occurred and stop dwelling on past hurts.


Although in theory this approach seems logical, it's premise comes at a heavy cost. If you believe you must accept that something or someone else has wounded you in some way, it puts you in the position of victim and paints the world as cruel, unpredictable or unjust. Consistent peace of mind is nearly impossible when we believe that we are at the mercy of a chaotic world. 


Isn't consistent peace what we all truly desire? For much of my life I felt like I was riding a roller coaster. Happy when things around me were working out and devastated when relationships ended or my body was sick. It was exhausting and I felt as though there was always a threat lurking around the corner. Eventually I grew tired of this cycle and asked for another way of living in this world. This is when my mind opened up to the practice of true forgiveness. 


​​The true meaning of forgiveness according to "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM) is seeing that what you thought another person did to you has not occurred. You accept that you projected your own guilt on to them and you see how your mind is really at cause for every experience you have ever had.


This meaning, seen through the ego's lens, can easily be distorted. Forgiveness will seem to mean that I have to forgive those who hurt me by accepting that I brought this on myself and then by accepting that what I think has happened to me, didn't really happen at all. This is also not the forgiveness experience we are after...


True forgiveness, according to ACIM is learned with the help of your inner guide (Spirit).  When I am willing to hand over all of my judgments, beliefs and expectations about anything to this inner guide, I open my mind up to true forgiveness, which you could say is a miraculous change of mind - from fear to Love.


It's a miraculous thing when we suddenly stop and realize that what is actually hurting us is our own thoughts, judgments and interpretations. It's a miracle each time we are guided to see how it is our very thoughts, perceptions and beliefs that are literally being projected from our mind out onto the world we see. The miracle recognizes that the mind is causative - always - and that the world is the effect. It invites us to point the searchlights for freedom and peace in the only appropriate direction - the mind.


Forgiveness offers true healing and complete freedom from the circumstances of this world so that you can live in the world in a completely joyous and innocent way. When practiced regularly, the rewards are numerous and often very miraculous and unexpected. For this reason, we will ask all participants to complete a survey both before and following the 30-day experience in an attempt to measure the joyous benefits of forgiveness.


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